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- How do I register my ATV or Snowmobile
- How do I register my Boat?
- Dog Licenses
- Hunting & Fishing Licenses
- Instructions for obtaining a Marriage License
- Motor Vehicle Registrations
- Tax Collection
- Vital Records - Birth, Death & Marriage Records in the Town of Vassalboro
- Voter Registration and Election Information
- Genealogy Research in the Town of Vassalboro
How do I register my ATV or Snowmobile?
For Renewals - Vassalboro Residents
- In Person at the Town Office or Online
- Last year’s registration is required
- Cost is $70 ATV -$55 Snowmobile + agent fee
For Renewals - New Vassalboro Residents
- In Person at the Town Office
- Last year’s registration required
- Cost is $70 ATV -$55 Snowmobile + agent fee
New Registrations - Maine Dealership Sale
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring your Sales Receipt (Bill of Sale)
- Proof of Sales Tax paid
- Cost is $70 ATV -$55 Snowmobile + agent fee
New Registrations - Out of State Dealership
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring your Sales Receipt (Bill of Sale)
- Sales Tax will be due at 5.5% of the purchase price, if you did not pay it out of state
- Cost is $70 ATV -$55 Snowmobile + agent fee
New Registrations - Private/Casual Sale
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring a Bill of Sale (required) including VIN #, Make, Model, Year, Purchase Price
- Sales Tax will be due at 5.5% of the purchase price
- Cost is $70 ATV -$55 Snowmobile + agent fee
How do I register my Boat?
Boat Registrations are subject to several fees, they are:
1) Excise Tax - based on the length, age and horsepower of the boat
2) Registration Fee with milfoil (set by Inland Fisheries & Wildlife) based on the horsepower of your boat: 0 - 10 horsepower = $30 11-50 horsepower = $35 51 - 115 horsepower = $41 116 & higher horsepower = $49 Personal Watercraft = $49
3) Lake and River Protection sticker $44 - required if the boat is used in fresh water
4) Agent Fee $1 for renewals, $2 for new registration
For Renewals - Vassalboro Residents
- In Person at the Town Office or Online
- Last year’s registration is required
- Pay applicable fees
For Renewals - New Vassalboro Residents
- In Person at the Town office
- Last year’s registration required
- Pay applicable fees
New Registrations - Maine Dealership Sale
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring your Sales Receipt (Bill of Sale)
- Proof of sales tax paid
- Pay applicable fees
New Registration - Out of State Dealership
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring your Sales Receipt (Bill of Sale)
- Sales Tax will be due at 5.5% of the purchase price, if you did not pay it out of state
- Pay applicable fees
New Registration - Private/Casual Sale
- In Person at the Town Office
- Bring a Bill of Sale (required) including: VIN #, Make, Model, Year, Purchase Price
- Sales Tax will be due at 5.5% of the purchase price
- Pay applicable fees
Dog Licenses
The State of Maine requires dogs to be licensed at 6 months of age or within 10 days of ownership.
You must show evidence of current rabies vaccination at the time of registration (yearly) and a spay/neuter certificate, if applicable. Fees are $6 for spayed/neutered dogs and $11 for unspayed/unneutered dogs.
Renewal for dog licensing must be done no later than December 31st of each year. A late fee of $25 (in addition to the license fee) will be applied after January 31.
Registrations & Renewals are done in person at the Town Office or by Mail with a S.A.S.E.
(Back to top)Hunting & Fishing Licenses
Hunting & Fishing Licenses are available at the Town Office and Online
For Hunting Licenses bring your previous year’s license or a Hunter Safety Course Completion Card. Hunting Licenses cannot be issued without proof of a previous license or Hunter Safety Card.
For Fishing Licenses nothing extra is required. A current driver’s license or identification card with updated information is required in issuing all IFW licenses.
Hunting & Fishing License Fees are set by the State.
(Click the link or open your camera or QR app to scan the code)
Instructions for obtaining a Marriage License
Maine Residents: at least one party must be a Vassalboro resident.
Out-of-State Couples: can file their intentions in any municipal office.
1) Both parties need to appear at the Town Office with photo ID and file Intentions of Marriage and a Record of Social Security Numbers. The cost of filing is $40.
2) Previous Marriages: If either party has been previously married, a certified copy of the death record or divorce decree with a raised seal, whichever ended the previous marriage, must be presented to the clerk prior to the processing of the marriage license. The marriage license will not be issued without the proper record/decree.
A certified copy of a divorce decree may be obtained from the clerk of courts in the county where the divorce was filed. The clerk of courts will certify the document using an embossed seal. Photocopies are not accepted.
A certified copy of a death certificate may be obtained from the clerk in the town/city of the place of death. Photocopies are not accepted.
3) Once the Intentions are filed, the Clerk will issue a Marriage License which will need to be signed, by both parties. The parties are free to marry anywhere in the State of Maine. The license is valid for a period of 90 days from the date the intentions are filed.
The marriage license will be completed by the official legally qualified to perform a marriage in Maine and signed by two witnesses. They may give you a photocopy of the document but please note, it is not a legal copy. See below for legal copy information. The official is required to file the license within 7 working days of the ceremony, with the clerk where the license was issued.
After the marriage license is filed with the Town Clerk, certified (legal) copies of your marriage license may be obtained at the Town Office during normal business hours for a fee of $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for any additional copies done at the same time.
The Following forms can be printed beforehand to save you time in office:
Marriage Intentions (Do not sign until you are at the Town Office)
Notice of Parental/Guardian Consent to a Marriage
(Required for all parties less than 18 years of age)
- Needs to be signed in front of a Notary
Motor Vehicle Registrations
The Vassalboro Town Office is participating in a program that allows for residents to renew the registration of their motor vehicles through the Internet. You can now renew your registration right here…online! (valid credit card or electronic check required)
Click Here to Renew Your Motor Vehicle Registration
What you need to bring with you for the following:
Vehicle Renewals:
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
- The expiring registration
- The current mileage
- Renewals can be processed at the Town Office, Online or by Mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
New Registration, Maine Dealer Sale:
- Proof of Sales Tax paid
- The Title Application
- Factory Window Sticker, if Brand New Vehicle
- Current mileage
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
New Registration, Private/Casual Sale:
- Bill of Sale Previous owners Title (26 yrs. and older exempt from title), signed over to the new owner
- Current mileage
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
Transfers, Maine Dealer Sale:
- Registration of the vehicle you are transferring from. (You must no longer own that vehicle, it must be traded, sold or junked in order to transfer.)
- Proof of Sales Tax Paid *The Title Application
- Factory Window Sticker, if brand new
- Current mileage
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
Transfers, Private/Casual Sale:
- Registration of the vehicle you are transferring from. (You must no longer own that vehicle, it must be traded, sold or junked in order to transfer.)
- A Bill of Sale
- Previous owners Title (26 yrs. and older exempt from title) signed over to the new owner
- Current mileage
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
New Maine Residents:
- You will need your out of state registration
- You will need your out of state Title or loan documents showing what financial institution holds the title
- Current mileage
- A Current State of Maine Insurance Card.
Please call the office for special situations, such as: out-of-state sales, name changes, additions or deletions to registrations, duplicate registrations, etc. (207) 872-2826. Not all situations can be addressed on this webpage.
To Check Vanity Plate Availability, Click HERE
We cannot photocopy registrations. Duplicate registrations are available for $6 if yours is lost.
Please let us know before starting your registration if you are required to file an SR-22.
(Back to top)Tax Collection
Property taxes are billed once yearly and are due in four payments. The payments are due near the end of September, November, February and April.
The Town’s tax year runs July 1 to June 30th.
Payments can be made in person at the Town Office, Online or by mail to: Tax Collector, Vassalboro Town Office, P.O. Box 129, N, Vassalboro, ME 04962. When paying by mail please be sure to include your payment stub from the tax bill or at least your account number. If you would like a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Q. Does the Town mail my tax bill to my mortgage company?
A. No, tax bills are mailed to the property owner only. It is the property owner’s responsibility to forward the bill to their mortgage holders.
Q. I sold my property, why did I get a bill?
A. Per State Law, taxes are assessed to the owner of record as of April 1st. If you have sold your property since April 1st, it is your responsibility to forward the bill to the current property owner.
Q. I sold my property, and the taxes were handled at the time of closing, why did I receive the entire bill?
A. Pro-ration of taxes between buyers and sellers does not involve the town. Monies can be collected for taxes at the time of closing and appear on the closing statement but may not be paid to the town. It is a good idea to check with the town about property tax status soon after the purchase of property.
(Back to top)Vital Records - Birth, Death & Marriage Records in the Town of Vassalboro
The Town Clerk’s Office is responsible for the permanent storage of all vital records (i.e. birth, marriage and death records).
Individuals who may access vital records less than 100 years old include:
- The person named on the record.
- The person’s spouse or registered domestic partner.
- The parent(s) named on the record.
- Descendants of the person named on the record.
- Registrant’s legal custodian, guardian, or conservator or respective authorized representative (includes attorney, physician, or funeral director); and
- Genealogists who have a Maine CDC issued researcher identification card.
Proof of identity must also be presented to the municipal and city clerks or state Vital Records Office staff. A brief application for securing a copy of the vital record must be filled out and presented, along with positive identification such as a driver’s license, passport, or other government issued picture identification that clearly shows that the person requesting the record is who they say they are. Identification requirements apply whether the records are requested in person or by mail.
Click HERE for More information
Click HERE to print the Vital Request form needed to request a Vital Record from the Vassalboro Town Clerk
Birth Certificates are filed with:
- The City or Town in which the child was born;
- The City or Town in which the mother was living at the time of the birth; and
- The State Office of Vital Records
Marriage Certificates are filed with:
- The City or Town in which intentions were filed and the license was issued; and
- The State Office of Vital Records
Death Certificates are filed with:
- The City or Town of residence at the time of death;
- The City or Town where the death occurred; and
- The State Office of Vital Records
Voter Registration and Election Information
Registrar of Voters: Cathy Coyne
Q. How do I register to vote?
A. Residents of Vassalboro may register to vote at the Town Office during normal business hours. You may also register to vote at the polls on Election Day. Please be aware that proof of residency and picture identification is required to register to vote. Proof of residency is any documentation that shows your current Vassalboro residence address, not a post office box.
Q. Where do I vote?
A. All residents of Vassalboro vote at the Town Office, 682 Main Street, in the meeting room.
Q. What time are the polls open?
A. Vassalboro polls open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m.
Q. How do I get an Absentee Ballot?
A. If you are unable to vote at the polls on Election Day, there are several ways you can request an absentee ballot:
- The Absentee ballot can be voted at the Town Office during office hours. Registered voters can call the Town Clerk/Registrar at 872-2826 and request a ballot over the phone. The Clerk/Registrar will fill out an application and mail the registered voter a ballot.
- Request for absentee ballots for an immediate family member must be made at the Clerk’s office as these requests need to be made in writing.
- Registered voters may also request an absentee ballot electronically through the Secretary of State’s website. Once the State-approved form is filled out, the Secretary of State’s office will notify the Clerk for processing and the voter will receive the ballot in the mail.
- Due to State law, voters can no longer vote by absentee ballot during the 3 business days prior to an Election, unless the voter signs an application provided by the Secretary of State’s office stating an unexpected circumstance.
- Please call the Town office with any questions. (207)872-2826
Q. What do I do about a change of address, name change or if I want to change my party?
A. Go to the Town Office and fill out a voter registration card with any new changes. You can also see the Registrar on Election Day to make any necessary changes by filling out the same card.
Q. Why are there names of people who no longer live in Vassalboro still on the voter registration list?
A. Due to Maine Voter Registration Laws no changes can be made to a voter’s registration status without:
- Written confirmation from the voter
- Written notification from the registrar in the voter’s new residence
- Written changes made at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and forwarded to the Town Office
- Certified death records or obituaries
- Or, during a National Voter Registration Act voter registration list purge.
Q. My parent is deceased, but their name is still on the list, why?
A. Your parent may have passed away in another town, city or State and because they were no longer a resident of Vassalboro we did not receive the death certificate and cannot remove the voter’s name without proof that the voter no longer resides in Vassalboro. If you have information that could help us maintain the accuracy of the voter list, please call the registrar at (207) 872-2826 or email the information to cathy@vassalboro.net
(Back to top)Genealogy Research in the Town of Vassalboro
Due to a small office staff, the Town of Vassalboro does not conduct Genealogy Research.
Specific questions regarding our policy for genealogical research should be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office at (207) 872-2826.
Helpful Hints
1) Prior to 1892, towns were not required to file records of birth, marriage and death. Some towns have records before 1892, but these are not a complete recording of events.
2) Unsure where the event took place? Begin by contacting the State, they maintain copies of records from every town in Maine.
3) Be sure to check family bibles, city directories, obituaries, old maps, old photographs, town history books, your local historical society and old newspapers for information.
4) State Archives keeps a list of professional genealogists who will provide research for a fee.
5) Contact the Maine State Archives. They have birth, marriage and death records for each town in the State from 1892 - 1922.
Send mail to: 84 State House Station Cultural Building Augusta, ME 04333-0084
Call: Search Room: (207) 287-5788 State Records Center (207) 287-5792
Visit them HERE
6) Contact the Office of Vital Statistics. They have birth, marriage and death records for each town in the state from 1923 - Present. They also maintain divorce records from state courts. They will accept credit cards.
Send mail to: 221 State St. Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Call: (207) 287-6490
Visit them HERE
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