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For contact information and hours that each department is open, click on the links below.
- Elections and Voting General Election Information
- Absentee Voting
- Voter Registration
- Nomination Papers for Municipal Election
- Petition Protocol
- Helpful Links
- Prior Election Results
Elections and Voting General Election Information
Municipal Elections
Regular municipal elections are held on the second Tuesday in June.
Every year, certain seats on the Select Board and School Board are up for election.
State & Federal Elections
State elections are held on the first Tuesday, following the first Monday, each November and on the second Tuesday in June in even-numbered years for the Primary Election. For information on state elections, visit the Secretary of State’s website.
Local Election June 10,2025
General Election November 4, 2025
The General Election is held nationally on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In 2024, Maine voters will elect the President, one of Maine’s two United States Senators, Maine’s two Representatives to Congress, all members of the Maine Legislature (State Senators and State Representatives) and certain county officers. County officers will vary depending on the county, but include the following: Judge of Probate, Register of Probate, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, District Attorney and County Commissioner.
Voters who are not enrolled in a party can select which party ballot they wish to vote on June 11, 2024. The Libertarian and No Labels are not participating in the Primary/Local Election. POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. There is a single polling location for all Vassalboro Residents.
2024 Maine Law Change
Semi-Open Primary - The law has changed pertaining to who can participate in a Primary Election in Maine.
If you are enrolled in a party and that party has more than one candidate running, then you may vote your party’s ballot. If you are enrolled in a party and that party does not have more than one candidate running, then you may not vote in the Primary Election. If you are unenrolled, you may stay unenrolled and choose 1 party’s ballot to vote in the Primary Election. The rules for changing party enrollment are as follows:
Once you have enrolled in a party you must stay in that party for 90 days. If you change your party, it must be done more than 15 days prior to a Primary Election to be eligible to receive your new party’s ballot.
For more information, please click HERE
2023 Maine Law Change
If any person or organized group raises or spends more than $5,000 to affect a referendum election in their town (in our case, Raymond), they will have to register as a Ballot Question Committee (BQC) and file reports on their financial activity with the Ethics Commission at mainecampaignfinance.com. Click HERE for the guidebook.
Polling Location
Vassalboro Community School
*1116 Webber Pond Road, Vassalboro, Maine
*Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
(Back to top)Absentee Voting
Voters can request an absentee ballot for any reason, until the Thursday before the upcoming election. Absentee ballots normally become available 30 days prior to the election. The statewide deadline for requesting an absentee ballot is at the close of business on the Thursday before election day. Voters needing to obtain an absentee ballot after this deadline may do so if there are extenuating circumstances, such as medical emergencies.
By telephone:
• A voter may request an absentee ballot over the phone by calling (207) 872-2826 during regular business hours. Absentee ballots requested over the phone are mailed out on the same day and can be returned by mail, delivered in person by the voter at the Town Office, or by an immediate family member. Absentee ballots can be dropped in our secured drop box located at the front of the Town Office. Ballots must be returned by 8:00 p.m. on election day.
In person:
•A voter may vote by absentee ballot in person at the Town Office, 682 Main Street, Vassalboro.
•For state-wide elections, an online absentee ballot request service is available, which is activated prior to each upcoming election.
NEW!!! Beginning February 1, 2024, voters who will be at least 65 years of age by the next election or who self-identify as having a disability may apply for ongoing absentee voter status. A voter who qualifies will automatically receive an absentee ballot for each statewide election, municipal election and any other election for which the voter is eligible to vote and need not submit a request for each election. Voters must return completed form to their municipal clerk.
Please click HERE for the application for ongoing absentee ballot form.
(Back to top)Voter Registration
New Registration:
The State of Maine allows residents to register to vote any time leading up to and including the day of the election. Residents may register to vote at the Town Office, 682 Main Street, or at the polls on election day.
Proof of residency and proof of identity are required.
•Per state statute, M.R.S. Title 21-A , Section 112-A. Proof of identity for voting purposes Any of the following forms of documentation may be offered by an applicant and considered by a registrar in verifying the identity of an applicant who is registering to vote.
- Government-issued photograph identification document or credential. A government-issued photograph identification document or credential, including, but not limited to, a current and valid United States passport, military identification, driver’s license or state identification;
- Other government-issued identification document. A government-issued identification document without a photograph, including, but not limited to, a certified birth certificate or a signed social security card;
- Other official documents. An official document, including, but not limited to, a document confirming eligibility determinations for public benefits, a utility bill, a bank statement, a government check, a paycheck or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter; or
- Verified unique identifier for new voters. A verified unique identifier for new voters, including the voter’s Maine driver’s license number, Maine identification number or the last 4 digits of the voter’s social security number that are successfully verified through the central voter registration system verification.
Proof of residency can be satisfied with any piece of mail with the voter’s name and address.
If you wish to register to vote online, please click here
Changing Your Registration Name, Residence Address or Political Party Affiliation:
If you are currently registered and wish to change any information, such as your married name or residence address (which is pertinent to your voting record), please stop in the Town Office.
(Back to top)Nomination Papers for Municipal Election
Municipal elections for our public officials are governed under M.R.S.A. 30-A. In Vassalboro our elected officials are: selectmen, school committee, and budget/finance committee members. All other positions on board or committees are appointed by the Selectmen.
Annual Elections – Generally coincide with State Elections in June - 2nd Tuesday of June.
Nominations – The positions on the elected bodies are staggered three-year terms and elected by secret ballot.
Nomination papers available – The Town Clerk will have nomination papers available not more than 100 days prior to the election day.
Nomination paper deadline – The Town Clerk must have the signed nomination papers in her/his hands no later than 60 days before the election day.
Number of signatures – In towns of over 500 residents a candidate will need not less than 25 nor more than 100 signatures. (It is recommended to get at least 30 signatures in case some of the signatures are not registered voters in Vassalboro.)
Submission of nomination papers – The candidate must sign the Consent portion on the nomination papers, which says that the candidate will not withdraw from the race and will qualify for the office if elected. The circulator must sign the oath of qualified voters.
Ability to serve – A person cannot hold two elected positions at the same time.
Circulators of nomination papers –
*A person requesting papers need not be a candidate or an agent of a candidate.
*A candidate can circulate several sets of papers for the same office.
*A candidate can usually circulate papers for more than one office.
*A person can circulate papers for several candidates for several different offices.
Any person who signs a nomination paper –
*A voter can sign as many nomination papers for different candidates and offices as they wish.
*A voter does not have to vote for the candidate for which they signed a nomination paper.
(Back to top)Petition Protocol
Maine petitions are governed under M.R.S.A. Title 30-A Section 2504 and M.R.S.A. Title 21-A Section 903-A. Municipal petitions generally come under M.R.S.A. Title 30-A.
Creating the petition – The petition must state exactly what the request is, and the specific action wanted. Each page bearing signatures must have the above wording on it. Petitions are typically addressed ‘To the Municipal Officers of the Town of Vassalboro’ and begin with the phrase “We, the undersigned, being registered voters of the Town of Vassalboro, request the municipal officers to place the following article before the voters for their consideration (followed by the wording of the request). If the request is for an action other than a vote, it could say, “We, the undersigned, being registered voters of the Town of Vassalboro, request the municipal officers to….”
It is requested that for the signatures there should be four items included.
- Signature
- Printed name
- Street address
- Town of residence
Circulating a petition – Any registered Maine voter. For a simple petition no circulator’s affidavit is required but is encouraged which includes:
- That he personally circulated the petition
- That each signer had an opportunity to read the petition before signing
- That the number of signatures is stated on the petition
- That each signer signed no more than once
- That the voters signed in the presence of the circulator
- That to the best of the circulator’s knowledge and belief each signature is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
Signing a petition – Any registered Vassalboro voter. (The signature of a taxpayer who is not a registered voter cannot be counted.)
Signatures needed to be obtained – The number of voters equal to at least 10% of the number of votes cast in the town at the last gubernatorial election.
Timing of the petition before a town meeting – The completed petition must be in the hands of the Town Clerk no less than 45 days before the day of voting. If the petition is meant for a secret ballot than the petition must be in the hands of the Town Clerk no less than 60 days prior to the voting.
Refusal by the Selectmen of a petition – Municipal officers do not have to act on every petition submitted and they may refuse a petition if their refusal is reasonable. There is recourse in this event.
For more information, please contact Cathy Coyne, Town Clerk via cathy@vassalboro.net or phone 207-872-2826
(Back to top)Helpful Links
Instructions For Completing the Maine Voter Registration Application
Maine Voter Registration Application (Fillable PDF)
Maine Voter Registration Application (Word)
Application for Absentee Ballot
Online Absentee Ballot Request
Absentee Uniformed Service and Oversea Voters
(Back to top)Prior Election Results
To view or download prior election results Please Visit our Documents Page under: Elections
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