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Vassalboro Grange #322
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to foster a vibrant, resilient and sustainable community in Vassalboro and surrounding areas.
Mission Statement:
To support a resilient, rural community by working with local individuals and groups by:
• Facilitating community gatherings
• Connecting people to the land through local food access
• Promoting a sustainable economy
• Providing a place for local entertainment
Offer space and platforms for local events, celebrations and business at low cost.
About Us:
The grange wears many hats! In the past it has provided community theater productions, harvest dinners, Spirit of Christmas holiday fair, bulk food buying club, and a weekly farmers market.
We’ve had summer camps for kids and a Halloween haunted house. Over the years the grange has hosted workshops on gardening, cooking, and preserving food. The grange has served as a meeting space for community conversations around local concerns.
Currently we host workshops, fifth Saturday contra dances, monthly potlucks, an annual Black Fly Sale, and open mic coffee house evenings.
Connect with the Grange:
On Social @vassalborogrange
Email: grange322@gmail.com
Come in person: 353 Main Street Vassalboro ME 04989
(Back to top)Scouts BSA
Scouting in Vassalboro has a storied past and with the community’s continued support, we hope for a future with lots of exciting new traditions. Scouts BSA (formerly known as the Boy Scouts of America), is a national organization founded in 1908 which has worked to impact the lives of young men through character development, leadership, and service utilizing the tenants of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Like many organizations, Scouts BSA has had to adjust its course in our current society and now serves both young men and women on their journey in scouting. This journey is successfully accomplished with the assistance of adult volunteers who help and teach our Scouts to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
- The Scout Oath asks Scouts to pledge to do their Duty to God and to their Country while obeying the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep themselves physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. The Scout Law defines the characteristics that a scout should exhibit in their everyday life, being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
- Discovery is at the heart of Scouting. So, whether it is participating at a campout, at a derby car race, or hiking on a trail, we believe every adventure helps Scouts uncover a little more about themselves. Scouting helps build the foundations for humility and compassion, strengthening character though actions, and preparing our youth for a lifetime of leadership.
- Scouting is the difference! Our unique programs focus on character development, leadership, and outdoor exploration to provide a lifetime of benefits for our youth. Compared to non-Scouts, Scouts are more likely to: embrace positive social values; develop kindness, helpfulness, and cheerfulness; and have a greater sense of hope for their future.
- Scouting would not be possible without a Charter Organization and for many, many years Scouting in Vassalboro has been made possible by the United Methodist Church. We are so appreciative of their support of our Cub Scout and Scouts BSA programs. We are equally appreciative of our new Charter Organization, American Legion Post 126 – Vassalboro, who will help us continue to deliver quality Scouting opportunities to the youth of Vassalboro.
- Our Cub Scout unit (Pack 410) serves youth in kindergarten through grade 5 and utilizes adventures that build up to preparing them to cross over to our Scouts BSA unit (Troop 410) which serves youth in grade 6 through grade 12.
Contact Information
Pack 410 Recruitment Chair - Christopher Santiago
- Phone:(603) 903-9709
- Email: Vassalborocubscoutpack410@gmail.com
Scoutmaster Troop 410 - Christopher Santiago
- Phone:(603) 903-9709
- Email: vassalborobsatroop410@gmail.com
Vassalboro Girl Scouting
Girl Scout Troops have different levels, Daisy Girl Scouts for Kindergarten and First grade girls. Brownie Girl Scouts for Second and Third grade girls, Junior Girl Scouts for Fourth and Fifth grade girls, Cadette Girl Scouts for Sixth, Seventh and Eighth girls, Senior Girl Scouts for Freshman and Sophomore girls, Ambassador Girl Scouts for Junior and Senior girls.
- We depend on parents to be Leaders and Assistant leaders and we need help to have these Troops exist. We are all volunteers with extremely busy life styles and schedules but feel the scouting program is very important. Scouting teaches leadership qualities, skills, morals, ethics, self-esteem, self-respect, getting along with others, responsibilities, opportunities and much more. We do a lot of community service, unselfish service to others. It is a very rewarding experience, and many hands make light work.
- The Troops have work at meetings for badges of advancement and achievements and also have a lot of fun as well. Each Troop has a Planning Calendar where the scouts have picked what they what to do for the year, what path they want to take. Then it is put in a schedule. Usually, each meeting or event touches on a badge or patch to earn.
- The Troop is very active with community service, badge work and fun patches that stems from activities on field trips and events with unselfish community service to others. The scouts from this Troop have been pages for the House of Representatives and plan to be pages to the Senate. Also they have worked at suppers for the community, collected stuffed teddy bears for The Barbara Bush Cancer Center for children, Chucky Cheese, Belfast train ride with Santa, cleaned up and picked up signs for the Walk for Hope Breast Cancer Awareness, roller-skating, swimming at the Alfond Boys and Girls Club, Camping, Hiking, attend Girl Scout Sunday at church as a group, participate in parades, went to the Boston Museum of Science, the list can go on. In June the Troop plans to attend the Boston Museum of Science and December 2009 is planning to attend New York City.
- Each scout in this Troop wears a full uniform, which includes a white polo, khaki pants and the appropriate vest color of her rank. Currently the Troop is looking for sponsorships to help financially with scouts who do not have the means for uniforms and/or activities.
- Girl Scout Troop #434 meets every other Thursday 2:30-4:30pm at Vassalboro Community School in the Art room. Dues are $1.00 each meeting.
- The Troop is very active with badge work they just finished Wildlife badge and learned about wildlife by visiting Gray’s. They also went on a trip to Hinckley to study Visual Arts activities for that badge. Along with badge work the Troop has gone to Portland to Build-A-Bear, swimming, ice skating, Chucky Cheese, campouts and other activities. In June the Troop plans to attend the Boston Museum of Science.
- Girl Scout Troop #519 meets every other Monday from 6:00-8:00pm at Vassalboro Community School in the Art room.
- Last year the Girl Scouts in this Troop worked on and earned 20 try-its, held cookie booths, went swimming, bowling, ice skating, visited Country Fair Farm in Jefferson, attended a Try-it day at Camp Kirkwold and ended the year with a sleepover campout. In June the Troop plans to attend the Boston Museum of Science. Girl Scout Troop #2000 meets every other Monday from 6:00-7:30pm at Riverside Congregational Church on Rt. 201 across from Webber Pond Road.
- Basically, all of the Troops do similar things with the scouts being Our priority is making sure the scouts have a rewarding and a great experience that they can take in years to come. These are our leaders of tomorrow. Defy the Ordinary and be proud to be a Girl Scout.
For more information on Girl Scouting and how your daughter can be a Girl Scout in the Vassalboro Community please contact Jessica Prentiss at (207) 649-9007 or visit the Council website at www.girlscoutsofmaine.org
Contact Information
Vassalboro Brownie Troop #200 - Jessica Prentiss
- Phone:(207) 649-9007
- Email: jessprentiss@gmail.com