Town of Vassalboro Request for Proposals Realtor Services

July 25, 2024

Town of Vassalboro

Request for Proposals

Realtor Services

The Town of Vassalboro is seeking proposals from qualified licensed realtors to provide real estate brokerage services. The primary intent of the services will be to assist the Town in disposing of two tax acquired properties.

Scope of Work : The selected realtor will be expected to work closely with and provide regular reports to the Town Manger. The selected realtor will provide the following:

• Perform market analysis and values for properties.

• Develop and execute strategies for selling properties, including but not limited to advertising, signage, and onsite walk-throughs.

• Work with the Town Manager to negotiate parcel sales with buyers and prospects.

• Coordinate real estate appraisals.

• Coordinate real estate transaction closings with the Town Manager.

• Handle all other customary activities and services associated with real estate transactions. Services may include consultation with Town staff, Town Select Board, and/or designee(s) relating to the sale of real estate.

Proposals are to be in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Realtor Services” and are due by August 29, 2024 at 5 PM at the Town Office, 682 Main St, Vassalboro, ME 04989, or mailed to PO Box 129 N. Vassalboro, ME 04962. Bids submitted via email, fax, or any other way than in a sealed, marked envelope will not be accepted. There is no expressed or implied obligation for the Town to reimburse responding realtors for any expense incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. Bids will be publicly opened immediately after the submission deadline at the Vassalboro Town Office and will be reviewed at the Select Board.

Qualifications and Experience: Respondents shall be:

• Licensed and in good standing with the State of Maine.

• Knowledgeable in the local and state real estate market, including foreclosure sales.

• Qualified and experienced with residential and commercial properties.

• Knowledgeable in foreclosure sales.

• Maintain a positive reputation in the real estate community and have a proven track record.

Insurance Requirements: The successful realtor shall provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 that names the Town of Vassalboro as an additional insured and, if applicable, workers compensation insurance in the state statutory amount prior to commencement of services.

Term of Contract: The contract period for the successful realtor will be from the date of the award until either party chooses to discontinue the contract, with 60 days’ notice.

Selection Criteria: The Town of Vassalboro reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The successful realtor shall be selected based on qualifications, experience, as well as the ability to fulfill the project as described for the cost deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.

Proposals Requirements: Proposals shall include: • Realtors firm name, address, phone number, email address and website.

• A description of the firm, including years in business, the size of firm, location, number and nature of the professional staff, staff experience and training, including a brief resume of each key person that will be assigned to service the Town if awarded.

• The qualifications and experience the firm has as a licensed residential and commercial realtor.

• The firm’s marketing budget, tools and resources available.

• At least three references, providing names and contact information for each.

• Additional relevant services offered by the firm, if any.

• A listing of any current litigation, outstanding judgments, and/or liens.

• The firm’s all-inclusive commission rate for services (listing and marketing expenses will be the realtor’s responsibility).

Questions may be directed to:

Aaron C. Miller, Town Manager


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