A synopsis of proposed changes to two ordinances.

May 30, 2024

The following is a synopsis of proposed changes to two ordinances. The vote will be held on June 11, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Vassalboro Town Office.

Marijuana Business Ordinance


Proposed changes to the Town of Vassalboro’s Marijuana Ordinance include removing the word “marijuana” and replacing with “cannabis.” This is a housekeeping measure based on legislation at the state level.


Section C of the ordinance clarifies that businesses, “other than caregivers,” shall be prohibited in Vassalboro unless they were in lawful operation or had received site plan or building permit approval for the use prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Proposed language clarifies “caregivers shall be permitted subject to the licensing and other requirements of the ordinance, as well as the town’s land use ordinance.”


Section E(2) clarifies that facilities or businesses which hold a Site Review Permit, but do not apply for a permit under the ordinance within two years of obtaining said permit, must reapply to the planning board for new site review approval.


Section F(1) again clarifies a business, “other than caregivers” shall provide supporting materials for an application. Section F(11) proposes “if the premises are leased, a copy of a lease or other written permission from the landlord that the marijuana business is allowed by the landlord.”


Section J(7) proposes new language stating a “caregiver or cannabis cultivation facility shall not subdivide or lease the premises such that multiple caregivers or cannabis cultivation facilities are located on the same premises. This premises shall not apply to multiple caregiver/cultivation facilities approved by the Town prior to June 8, 2021.”


In regards to licensing Section K(2) proposes written “request must be made to the licensing authority at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the original six month suspension period. Licensee must maintain an active license during and permitted suspension of use.”


Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance  

The Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance has not been updated since 1988. The town’s Transfer Station Taskforce proposed the following:


*Updating the purpose of the ordinance, which refers to maintaining the quality of the environment, natural resources and prevent water and air pollution by providing a comprehensive, rational and effective means of regulating the disposal of solid waste in Vassalboro.

*Adding that the ordinance applies to all generators of solid waste in the town, including but not limited to residential, commercial, industrial and governmental.

*Updating definitions regarding acceptable waste; attendant; bulky waste; commercial hauler; composting; construction and demolition debris; electronic waste; hazardous waste; municipal solid waste; recyclables; septage; special wastes; unacceptable wastes and sludge.

*The proposal removes definitions regarding: hot loads; household wastes; inert material; junk; landfill; landscape refuse; resource recovery; rubbish; salvaging; solid waste disposal facility; solid waste management; solid waste; transport, unacceptable wastes; whites goods; wood wastes and tires.

*Removes the Public Works foreman as the direct supervisor of the transfer station manager.

*Removes section IV regarding general provisions and prohibition; section V regarding management responsibility and section VI on penalty.

*Adds a new section IV regarding authorized use; section VI regarding administration and management responsibility; section VII transfer station fees; section VIII on littering and a new language to section IX on penalties.

*Adds housekeeping language to sections X and XI and the effective date.

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